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FOIA Request Package


CitizenPath is a private company. We are not a part of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) or any other government agency. Your access to and use of this site is subject to additional Terms of Use.

CitizenPath’s self-directed immigration software helps you correctly navigate the immigration process. The service makes the process easy and helps you identify potential problems before you pay. Form G-639 can be completed on the USCIS website for no cost. Our FOIA Request Package costs $39 and includes:

  • Access to Attorney-Reviewed Software – designed to make the process easy and identify problems
  • Form G-639, Freedom of Information Act Request – official USCIS form prepared and ready to sign
  • Filing Instructions – detailed instructions customized to your answers in the application to include:
    • Specific directions on supporting documents that must be submitted with the application
    • Recommendation for organizing your application package
    • Mailing address for your application
  • Access to customer support
  • Access to support articles, sample cover letters and affidavits
  • Money-back guarantee your application will be approved
Upon completion, you have responsibilities:
  • You must mail your signed form directly to USCIS and
  • You must pay any USCIS fees related to this form.

Description of Request

Select the type of record that you are requesting. If you would like to type your own request, select "Other" and describe the records that you are seeking in the space provided. Explain more >>

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You are not required to state the purpose of your request. However, providing this information may assist USCIS in locating the records needed to respond to your request.

Expedited Requests

In certain circumstances you may be able to receive expedited processing. Please indicate if any of the following conditions apply to your situation.

Cases that involve individuals who are to appear before an immigration judge can receive expeditedy processing. You will need to include proof with your request.
If none of these circumstances apply to your situation, please continue without checking any boxes.

Subject's Information

Enter the birth date for the Subject of Record.
Select the birth country for the Subject of Record or select "Other" to provide another country name.
9 characters left.
If the subject has an A-Number, enter it here. When entering an 8-digit A-Number, please enter a 0 first followed by your 8 digit number. Where can I find this? >>

Subject's Arrival in the United States

Indicate the Subject's full name at the time of entry into the United States. If the Subject entered the country lawfully, refer to the I-94 Arrival/Departure Record or passport that was used to enter the U.S. If the Subject entered without documentation and was caught at the border, use the name or alias that was used at that time. Spell out names completely and do not use just the initial.

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If the Subject has an I-94 number, enter it here. The I-94 number is an 11-digit number found on the Subject's I-94 Arrival/Departure Record. The I-94 number is also known as the Departure Number on some versions of Form I-94. How to Find an I-94 Record >>

28 characters left.

A passport number is found on a government-issued passport or official document. A travel document may be issued to an individual in valid refugee or asylum status, or to a lawful permanent resident who obtained such status as a refugee or asylee in the United States.


Application, Petition, or Request Receipt Number

Enter the USCIS receipt number that corresponds to any application, petition, or request the Subject has previously filed with USCIS. The 13-digit receipt number generally begins with three letters and ends with 10 numbers. (e.g. SRC 0123456789)

13 characters left.

USCIS Online Account Number

A USCIS online account number is not the same as an A-Number. If the subject of this request was issued a USCIS online account number, enter it in the space provided. If there is no online account number or you do not know, you may leave it blank.

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Subject's Father

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Subject's Mother

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Other Family Members

If you have additional close family members who went through the U.S. immigration system, you may list them here. Listing other family members may help USCIS locate your records. This is optional.


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